FSRH position on essential services and COVID - 19
In light of the evolving COVID-19 outbreak, the FSRH wanted to share some resources and information below.
We know that this is a challenging time for our members many of whom are on the ‘frontline’.
We are working hard with our members, trainers, committees and Council/Trustees to look at other ways that we can best support you. Please also let us know what you need from us during this time by emailing replying to this email.
We have created a COVID-19 hub on the website. We will continue to add information there.
COVID-19 Resources
FSRH position: Essential SRH services during COVID-19 outbreak
FSRH CEU clinical advice to support provision of effective contraception during the COVID-19 outbreak
FSRH CEU recommendation on extended use of etonogestrel implant and 52mg levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system during COVID-19 restrictions
NEW: COVID-19 and SRH services peer support group for FSRH members
We have set up a Facebook group for members who would like to talk to peers to discuss what SRH services/care is being delivered, and how, during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Join now -
Information for FSRH trainers
We acknowledge the virus is likely to disrupt training and we want to encourage all trainers to contact their trainees if possible to discuss a revised timescale for training if required.
Read more -
Patient information
We have heard from members wanting to share standard contraception information with patients that they are consulting with virtually or to be handed out via pharmacists. As you may know the Family Planning Association went into administration last year, but you can still purchase its leaflets from McCorquodale (the company that have taken over selling their materials) via the fpa website, where you can also download the leaflets as PDFs for free from the bottom of each leaflet page. The fpa’s sexwise website can also useful.
fpa online store -
Sexwise website
Upcoming FSRH events and exams
In line with recent government guidance, we have made the decision to cancel our Annual Scientific Meeting and our Part One Exam.
Read about the ASM -
Read about the Part One Exam -
Online petition to provide the Progesterone only Pill over the counter
Dr Antje Ischebeck has started an online petion to change the legal framework to make POP/Mini Pill freely available over the counter during the COVID-19 outbreak. Individuals can add their name.
Sign the petition -
FSRH staff
FSRH staff are now working remotely from home. You can contact us as normal by phone and email. See staff details ( and general contact us information (
We are available to answer any questions you may have about our qualifications, training and upcoming events.
GMSHNetwork will update this information as we can. Please keep an eye on our Twitter - - as we will be sharing information there also.