
Ending all New Cases of HIV Within a Generation

By Wendy Alam, 3rd June 2019

This ambitious Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership (GMH&SCP) 25 year transformational programme is now well underway and comprises nine project elements which together focus on those populations most at risk of acquiring HIV. The project includes intensive digital resource and face to face support, an upscaling HIV testing/screening in both secondary and primary care through community & voluntary prevention and support sector (Greater Manchester Passionate about Sexual Health (PaSH) Partnership) and an improved home self-sampling offer.
Targeted interventions will be tailored towards safer sex and risk reduction for individuals with the highest possibility of poor sexual health. By responding to the Treatment as Prevention (TasP) evidence, those living with HIV and those newly diagnosed will receive enhanced support (where required), improved outcomes and reduced onward transmission. Monitoring and evaluation of the overall impact of the investment will be undertaken in both the short and long term around reducing late diagnoses, reducing new diagnoses and reducing the proportion of complex patients living with HIV in Greater Manchester.

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