• Commissioning Leads

Terms of Reference

Name of Group: Sexual Health Commissioning Leads
Accountable to:Greater Manchester Sexual Health Network (GMSHN)Board
Reports via: Network Board bi-monthly
Purpose of the Group: To ensure a consistent approach to sexual health commissioning across Greater Manchester by working collaboratively across the 10 PCTs
Scope of Group:
1.To work collaboratively to meet national and local sexual health targets
2.To develop care pathways, service specifications, contracting arrangements and quality standards for GM sexual health services
3.To recognise the impact of all sexual health and related services across Greater Manchester and to foster greater collaborative working across the NHS and local authorities
4.To work collaboratively to promote sexual health within the Process for Investment and Reform (PIR (latterly the LDP))
5.To develop an annual work plan of priorities for sexual health commissioners recognising the need to work collaboratively with NHS and non-NHS organisations
6.To work collaboratively with the Network’s Priority Action Groups where relevant
7.To share knowledge and good practice locally, regionally and nationally to improve sexual health services
Core Membership: Eleanor Roaf, Consultant in Public Health, Manchester PCT (Chair)
*A sexual health commissioning representative from each PCT
*A sexual health representative from each of the local authorities
Quorum: 5 commissioners (including Chair)
Frequency of meetings: Bi-monthly
Attendance: The group may wish to invite individuals to contribute to the discussion and aid greater understanding of particular items.
Action Notes: Action points will be recorded at each meeting
Date approved 13th May 2010 (with review by May 2011)

Group Papers

21st May 2013 - NAT HIV COmmissioning Guidelines