Useful Links
African HIV Research forum
The African HIV Research Forum was established in its current form in 2000 and launched in September 2001.
Its main aim is to bring together individuals and organisations to focus on all aspects of HIV research relating to the various African communities within the United Kingdom.
Any Plans Tonight
Manchester Teenage Pregnancy Partnership coordinates the local teenage pregnancy prevention and support strategy to ensure that local young people have both the means and the motivation to delay early sexual activity and to avoid unintended pregnancies as well as sexually transmitted infections. For those young people who are parents, we coordinate the provision of a comprehensive range of support services so that young parents can achieve the best possible outcomes for themselves and their children.
Association of Public Health Observatories
The Association of Public Health Observatories (APHO) represents a network of 12 public health observatories (PHOs) working across the five nations of England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland producing information, data and intelligence on people's health and health care for practitioners, policy makers and the wider community. Their expertise lies in turning information and data into meaningful health intelligence.
The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) – was formed in 2003 through the merger of the Medical Society for the Study of Venereal Diseases (MSSVD, established 1922) and the Association for Genito Urinary Medicine (AGUM, established 1992). This is the organisations website.
BBC Health Advice
The BBC’s pages dedicated to sexual health topics, help and guidance on sexual relationship issues.
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Black Health Agency
The Black Health Agency is a voluntary sector organisation and it's projects exist to work with, and for, African, Caribbean, South and South East Asian communities as well as a diverse range of other marginalised groups.
Bolton Pregnancy Advisory Service
Bolton PAS is one of the UK's leading abortion service providers offering a wide variety of sexual health treatments to both NHS and private clients.Based in Bolton town centre offering a 6 day week service with no waiting times for appointments.Tel: 0845 359 6666
bpas is the leading provider of abortion services in the UK, with a national network of consultation centres and clinics. They also provide emergency contraception and services for those who want to be sterilised or have a vasectomy.
Brook Advisory Centres
Brook Advisory Centres - commonly known just as Brook - is the only national voluntary sector provider of free and confidential sexual health advice and services specifically for young people under 25. As a registered charity, they have over 40 years experience of providing professional advice to young people.
Centre for HIV & Sexual Health, Sheffield
The Centre for HIV & Sexual Health in Sheffield provides a large, varied portfolio of related training, publications and resource materials to organisations throughout the UK.
Centre for Public Health HIV & AIDS Monitoring Unit, John Moores University
The Centre for Public Health’s website on Research and Development into Sexual Health & Communicable Diseases, based at Liverpool John Moores University.
Cheshire and Merseyside Sexual Health Network
The Network supports and guides all sexual health provision and promotion across Cheshire and Merseyside as well as working in partnership with the other sexual health networks in the North West
Counselling Directory
Provides a free and confidential counselling support network, enabling those in distress to find a counsellor close to them and appropriate for their needs. Information on various types of distress including sexual, emotional, physical, dependence issues and behavioural problems
Cumbria and Lancashire Sexual Health Network
This website focuses on positive sexual health for all. It acknowledges that sex and sexuality do not exist within a vacum but within relationships and social structures, and it seeks to promote and improve sexual health in a holistic way.
Department of Health
The Department of Health (DH) exists to improve the health and wellbeing of people in England. As a government department they carry all responsibilities of a Department of State but also provide leadership for the NHS as well as Social Care and public health agendas
Department of Health's Sexual Health pages
The Department of Health's main Sexual Health web pages containing general related information and guidance and current sexual health and HIV strategies and policies.
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Durex HCP
Website containing details on products; Catalyst project investment; Reveal online survey builder; clinic support; FAQs, links and news.
Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
The Faculty grants diplomas, certificates, fellowships and equivalent recognition of specialist lectures, provides and clinical advisory service and publishes the Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care.
Family Planning Association
The Family Planning Association is the only registered charity working to improve the sexual health and reproductive rights of all people throughout the UK. 2005 is the fpa's 75th anniversary year.
George House Trust
George House Trust is the HIV Voluntary Organisation for the North West of England. It supports people living with HIV and campaigns for the best quality of life for all people with HIV.
GM Public Health Practice Unit
The GM Public Health Practice Unit was established by the Greater Manchester Association of Primary Care Trusts in November 2007, to ensure that public health knowledge and skills are used to underpin decisions that impact on the health and lives of the people of Greater Manchester believing that public health is everyone’s business. They work in partnership with NHS commissioners, Local Authorities, Universities, service providers and local communities to address issues about health, policy, practice and services. The GM Public Health Practice Unit also offers generic skills: in research, critical appraisal, systematic reviews, knowledge management, epidemiology, health economics, systems and project management and service redesign
Government Data website
Government is opening up data for reuse. This site seeks to give a way into the wealth of government data and is under constant development. We’re very aware that there are more people like you outside of government who have the skills and abilities to make wonderful things out of public data. These are our first steps in building a collaborative relationship with you
Greater Manchester Public Health Network
The Greater Manchester Public Health Network is an alliance of key stakeholders who work collaboratively to improve the health of people living and working in Greater Manchester and reduce health inequalities.
Health Information Resources
The NHS Evidence Health Information Resources website (formerly the National Library for Health) will continue to run in parallel to the NHS Evidence website. Services of the former National Library for Health will be reviewed following the launch of NHS Evidence and strategic decisions will be taken by about their migration into NHS Evidence after the review.
Health Protection Agency
The Health Protection Agency’s specialist HIV & STI pages, including related news topics and monitoring & surveillance data updates.
HIV & AIDS Monitoring Unit, John Moores
Updated HIV & AIDS statistics from the North West HIV & AIDS Monitoring Unit at the Centre for Public Health, Liverpool John Moores University.
The LGF supports lesbian, gay and bisexual people in the North West. There are a wide range of different initiatives and partnerships that the LGF is involved in and many ways in which the LGF works to end homophobia and empower people. Find out more here.
Manchester Action on Street Health
MASH is sexual health promotion / HIV prevention organisation for sex workers and drug users in Greater Manchester, which aims to enhance the sexual health of the client group through the provision of a targeted night time service.
Manchester City Council's Sexual Health pages
Manchester City Council's Sexual Health pages. Includes details on the Council’s vision for sexual health, key priorities and targets
Manchester Pregnancy Advisory Service
Manchester PAS is one of the UK's leading abortion service providers offering a wide variety of sexual health treatments to both NHS and private clients. Based in Central Manchester offering a 6 day week service with no waiting times for appointments. Tel: 0845 359 6666
Marie Stopes International UK
Marie Stopes International UK is the country's leading reproductive healthcare charity, helping over 70,000 women and men each year with information, resources and services from abortions to vasectomy.
Medical Foundation for AIDS & Sexual Health
The Medical Foundation for AIDS & Sexual Health promote excellence in the prevention and management of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. This site tells you about their work with health professionals and policy-makers and provides links to a wide range of other useful sources of information.
National Aids Trust
A leading charity dedicated to transforming society's response to HIV. Providing expertise , practical resources, championing the rights of people living with HIV and campaign for change.
National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) provides guidance, sets quality standards and manages a national database to improve people’s health and prevent and treat ill health. NICE makes recommendations to the NHS on: * new and existing medicines, treatments and procedures * treating and caring for people with specific diseases and conditions. NICE also makes recommendations to local authorities and other organisations in the public, private, voluntary and community sectors on: *how to improve people’s health and prevent illness and disease. Using NICE guidance may help cut costs while at the same time maintaining and even improving services.
National Knowledge Service
Established as part of the Government’s response to the Bristol enquiry (Learning from Bristol January 2002), the National Knowledge Service (NKS) is developing a strategic approach to the management of the £150M annual NHS expenditure on knowledge and information services; and to obtaining the best value from such investment. The mission of the NKS is to collect, organise, and deliver knowledge where and when it is needed working with a range of partners on a number of funded projects which test out and evaluate specifice aspects of future services.
NHS Choices
NHS Choices NHS Choices is the online 'front door' to the NHS. It is the country's biggest health website and gives all the information you need to make choices about your health
NHS Direct
NHS Direct operates a 24-hour nurse advice and health information service, providing confidential information on what to do if you are feeling ill, advice on particular health conditions, and general info on local healthcare services, such as doctors, dentists or late night opening pharmacies.
NHS Evidence
NHS Evidence allows everyone working in health and social care to access a wide range of health information to help them deliver quality patient care. Launched in April 2009, NHS Evidence: * has a fast, free and easy to use search engine to help users search for the information they want * ranks search results from credible medical sources according to relevance and quality * allows users – through My Evidence - to personalise a search and register to receive the latest health information * awards an Accreditation Mark to organisations who meet high quality standards in developing health information
NHS North West
The North West Strategic Health Authority, known as NHS North West, was created in July 1 2006 as a result of the national policy Creating a patient-led NHS. Its predecessor organisations were the Greater Manchester, Cumbria and Lancashire and Cheshire and Merseyside strategic health authorities.
NHS Salford’s Sexual Health Website
Salford Sexual Health Service is a free, confidential service providing a comprehensive range of sexual health care for the people of Salford and its surrounding areas. Services include testing and treatment for STIs, contraception and pregnancy testing, HIV care and support, psychosexual and erectile dysfunction services.
North West Public Health Observatory
A resource for public health intelligence in north west England with links to a wide range of local, national and international public health data tools providing access to a wide range of datasets including sexual & reproductive health, HIV & Aids and teenage pregnancy.
Oneplace website
Oneplace website where the performance of local public services/organisations such as councils and police forces can be seen and whether they provide value for money and where they could improve.
RU Clear Chlamydia Screening Website
From 18th September the RU Clear Chlamydia Screening Website will be going live.
The website is designed to give young people information about Chlamydia, the screening test and where to get screened, Young People aged 15 – 24 can also request a postal test kit.
Sexual Health in the NW Conference
Details on the annual Sexual Health in the North West Conference ran by the Sexual Health Team at Centre for Public Health at Liverpool John Moores University, in conjunction with Health Protection Agency North West, North West Public Health Observatory, and the Department of Health.
South Manchester Private Clinic
SMPC is one of the UK's leading abortion service providers offering a wide variety of sexual health treatemnts to both NHS and private clients.Based in Hazel Grove, Stockport which is easily accessibly by public transport. Offering a 6 day week service with no waiting times for appointments.Tel: 0845 359 6666
Terence Higgins Trust
THT was one of the first charities to be set up in response to the HIV epidemic and has been at the forefront of the fight against HIV, and improving the nation's sexual health, ever since.
The "What is .... ?" Series
The What is …? series is intended to demystify some of the terminology, techniques and practices used to assess clinical and economic evidence within healthcare. It contains a range of titles covering: * Health economics * Statistics * Evidence-based medicine * The NHS and health technology assessment The series aims to provide healthcare professionals at all levels with essential information to increase their understanding of these complex areas.
The Faculty of Public Health
The Faculty of Public Health (FPH) is the standard setting body for specialists in public health. We work to improve the public’s health through our three key areas of activity: * education and standards * professional affairs * advocacy and policy We are a Faculty of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom with over 3000 members.
The Information Centre
Our primary aim is to drive the use of information to improve decision making and deliver better care. To provide accessible, high quality and timely information to help frontline health and social care staff deliver better care.
World Health Organisation
WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.
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