Privacy Policy
Some facilities within this web site require you to supply details about yourself, such as your e-mail address/profile details. You may also choose to use facilities within this web site to send us other information. However, as an NHS organisation the Greater Manchester Sexual Health Network are both committed to respecting the privacy of individuals using this website and subject to strict controls designed to protect the privacy of your information. This information is treated as strictly confidential and therefore we will only use such information in order to deal with your comment or query. You do have the right under the Data Protection Act to see what information we store about you.
However, you should be aware that facilities which are not protected by special security measures may allow your information to be intercepted on the internet. Therefore, you should consider carefully whether you are happy to send personal information to us in that way.
Our systems log various details when you visit this site. These are turned into reports which we use to analyze the usage of this site. The information logged and analyzed cannot be traced back to identify your individual computer but could, in theory, be used to identify that a computer from your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or on your network accessed this site. However, none of this information is linked to individuals or distributed to third parties.
If this privacy statement is amended, the amended version will be made available on this page. Should you have any questions about the privacy of using this web site, please contact us.
Copyright in this web site ( is owned by Greater Manchester Sexual Health Network (GMSHN), NHS Manchester or The Crown unless otherwise indicated.
Material which is available within the non password-protected areas of this web site and which is subject to the copyright protection of the GMSHN or the Crown (other than NHS, departmental or agency logos) may be reproduced free of charge in any format or medium for research, private study or for internal circulation within an organisation. This is subject to the material being reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading context. Where any of the North West Strategic Health Authority or Crown copyright items on this site are being republished or copied to others, the source of the material must be identified and the copyright status acknowledged.
The permission to reproduce copyright protected material does not extend to any material on this site that is identified as being the copyright of a third party. Authorisation to reproduce such material must be obtained from the copyright holders.
The copyright in the design and coding of this web site and this web site's database rights are the property of the GMSHN and neither the design, nor the coding, nor the database may be copied or reproduced in any way without the prior written permission of the GMSHN.
Legal Statement
Every effort is made to ensure that the accuracy and content of the information on the Greater Manchester Sexual Health Network website. However, contents are subject to change from time to time and the Network cannot accept liability for the accuracy of all the information presented at any given time. GMSHN reserves the right to make changes without notice. Some links may lead to information maintained by third parties and the Network accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or any other aspect of information obtained through such links. Every effort is made to ensure downloadable content is free from viruses. The Network does not accept liability for damages resulting from virus infection.